Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prayer Warriors Sending Cards, Mentoring funtime

We are about six weeks into our 2010 session.

Prayer Warriors, remember to pray regularly for the mentoring team you've been assigned to. By now, you should have made at least one phone contact with each of your ladies and have prayed with them individually (make sure to record it in the Prayer Journal in the back of your handbook). So, today might be a good time to send out cards to your mentoring pair. You may use the cards you were provided with, or find another that you like better.

Mentoring pairs, now that you've met a couple of times, perhaps try a fun activity together. My mentee and I have chosen to attend the Beth Moore simulcast this Saturday (I can't wait!!!), but there are other activities that could be fun choices, too.

How about getting a sno-cone? There are many locations throughout the Alexandria area. Or, perhaps one of you are searching for shrubs or flowers to plant in your landscape...why not make that an outing for the two of you? Chick-Fil-A has just opened a new location on Jackson St., there are many boutiques around town, how about a trip to our zoo?

There are dozens of "everyday" types of things you can do together. It doesn't have to be anything expensive. Just include your mentoring partner in an activity you normally do. What about a game night (or day), Yahtzee, Boggle, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, etc.? At a meeting like this, you could invite your Prayer Warrior to join you!

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