Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm Not Invisible...God Sees Me!

Have you ever felt used, abused or betrayed?  Have you ever felt alone and invisible?  Many of us have.  

But there is good news, my friend.  God sees you in your distress.  He is knocking on the door of your heart to give you comfort, compassion, and instruction.  Let Him in.  Open yourself to receive the balm He provides.  

In our Bible study, we learned about "El Roi", the God who sees.  Perhaps you feel angry BECAUSE He sees, and in your eyes, He has done nothing about it.  You are seeing an incomplete picture, dear one.  You are looking at, and holding on to one small piece of a puzzle.  

Do not grasp that puzzle piece, white knuckled, and shake your fist bitterly at God.  Do not curse Him because He has allowed ugly things to happen to you. If you will release that grudge, at least for a moment, to search God's word, you will begin to see that there is more to the picture than you may realize at this point.  He has a plan.  

There are a couple of Scripture passages that shed some light on this.  Stop what you're doing, and take the time to read them, pray about them, and roll them around in your mind.  

Genesis 42:6, and chpt. 45: tell of how Joseph was abused and sold into slavery by his own brothers, the ones that were supposed to love him.  Years later, his brothers were horrified to realize that Joseph now stood in authority over them.  What was Joseph's reply?  "...and as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive."   

You see, Joseph did not not hold on to his "unfair" puzzle piece and shake a bitter fist at God.  He gave the puzzle piece to God, and allowed Him to make a beautiful masterpiece with it.  It was one piece of a greater puzzle.  It was an unpleasant piece, for sure, but God used that one piece, in many ways.  If Joseph would have held on to his bitterness and anger, he would not have known the joy and splendor that God had planned for him, his family, and his country.

Consider, also, Genesis 16.  The life of Hagar.  Abused, mistreated, and thrown away, she ran from her circumstance.  God saw her distress, spoke to her, and instructed her on what to do.  Hagar realized she was not alone.  God saw her and had a plan for her.  Was it easy? No, it was not.  But, she was obedient, and God was true to His word.

In closing, read Psalm 139.  This is my favorite chapter in all of Scripture.  Why? Well, read it and find out!  Hold on to it.  Be comforted by it.  Be encouraged by it.  Be enlightened by it.  It can change your entire life, my friend.  It did mine.  

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Okay, girls.  We're almost to this session's halfway point.  Don't fall back now.  Keep in touch with your partner and your prayer warrior.

Say a prayer for your partner, send her a note, or give her a phone call.  If she's been hard to get hold of, try a different means of contact.   Don't give up.  Renew your focus.

How's your Bible study going so far?  Let me hear from you on that.  By now, you have learned several of God's characteristics.  Call on Him accordingly.  Delve deeper into your study and see what you can learn; how does that impact your daily life?

The Lord is a strong tower.  Run to Him and be safe and secure, my friend.