Friday, January 28, 2011

Mentoring-Just Around the Corner!

Calvary Ladies, the Sisters in Christ Mentoring season is just around the corner. When Easter is nearby, so is the beginning of our season (which closes around Labor Day).

As we've learned in past seasons, A mentor is someone farther on down the road from you who is going where you want to go, and who is willing to give you some light to help you get there.”

You Can Choose:

h Mentee - you are looking for a Christian woman to take you under their wing, and help you to grow and mature in your spiritual life

h Mentor - you have been a Christian for a while, are growing in Christ, and willing to walk along side a woman, who is younger in Christ than you are, in order to help her grow closer to Christ.

h Prayer Warrior - you understand that prayer is a priority, and are willing to regularly pray for and encourage a mentoring pair.