Friday, August 13, 2010

Mentoring Closing Picnic

Prayer Warriors, please make sure your prayer journals are all filled in, as you will be presenting them at our closing meeting, Sunday, Aug. 29 @ 5:00.

Everyone, please make every effort to attend this closing meeting. We will have a picnic theme and we'll be taking pictures. Be ready to talk about both the good things that you've experienced and also areas that can be improved.

In addition, I need one or two volunteers to give a testimony about what kind of impact the mentoring ministry has had on them. I'll be waiting to hear back from you.

As always, if you have a poem or song that has inspired you, please share it with us.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Half-time Refresher Meeting on Sunday, June 6

We're almost halfway through this year's mentoring session! Can you believe it???? I hope that your mentoring partnership is going smoothly and enriching your life. I know that my mentoring partnerships are very fulfilling, and I thank God for placing us together.

Our "Half-time Refresher Meeting" is due to happen at the end of June, but I'm going to be having some surgery in a couple of weeks, and need to rearrange the refresher meeting a bit.

The "Half-time Refresher Meeting" is designed for mentors and prayer warriors to come together to receive updated information, encouragement, prayer time, and to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your mentoring partnership.

It is important that all mentors and prayer warriors attend, so please mark Sunday, June 13 on your calendar right away. Here are the details:

Half-time Refresher meeting (for mentors & prayer warriors)

Sunday, June 13

Prayer warriors meet from 3:00-4:00

Mentors meet from 4:00-5:00

At Julie's house

1036 Rambleview Lane
Woodworth, LA 71485


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prayer Warriors Sending Cards, Mentoring funtime

We are about six weeks into our 2010 session.

Prayer Warriors, remember to pray regularly for the mentoring team you've been assigned to. By now, you should have made at least one phone contact with each of your ladies and have prayed with them individually (make sure to record it in the Prayer Journal in the back of your handbook). So, today might be a good time to send out cards to your mentoring pair. You may use the cards you were provided with, or find another that you like better.

Mentoring pairs, now that you've met a couple of times, perhaps try a fun activity together. My mentee and I have chosen to attend the Beth Moore simulcast this Saturday (I can't wait!!!), but there are other activities that could be fun choices, too.

How about getting a sno-cone? There are many locations throughout the Alexandria area. Or, perhaps one of you are searching for shrubs or flowers to plant in your landscape...why not make that an outing for the two of you? Chick-Fil-A has just opened a new location on Jackson St., there are many boutiques around town, how about a trip to our zoo?

There are dozens of "everyday" types of things you can do together. It doesn't have to be anything expensive. Just include your mentoring partner in an activity you normally do. What about a game night (or day), Yahtzee, Boggle, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, etc.? At a meeting like this, you could invite your Prayer Warrior to join you!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The 2010 Mentoring Session Has Begun!

Woo hoo! Our 2010 Sisters in Christ Mentoring session has now begun! I can't wait to hear about how God works in the lives of Calvary's women this six months.

Each woman participating in this session has been notified concerning who their partner is and what they need to do to get started.

If you thought you had signed up for participation, but have not gotten a phone call from me (Julie Taylor), please contact me as soon as possible at

Most ladies have already picked up their handbooks and workbook, but there are still a few handbooks left at Calvary's welcome desk by the sanctuary. Please pick them up right away. If you wanted to purchase the workbook, "Conversations on Purpose", but have not done it yet, you can purchase it for $15 at the New Beginnings bookstore.

What happens next?
1) Read through your handbook before your first meeting with your partner, discuss any questions at your first meeting

2) Contact your partner to set up a time and frequency to meet

3) Prayer Warriors should contact the mentoring team she is responsible for and make her first log into her prayer journal

Due to a shortage of available Prayer Warriors, I was not able to offer a Prayer Warrior for each mentoring team.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Matching is Underway!

Well, the matching process is underway! I'm so excited to see what God will do in your lives throughout the next few months!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mentoring Matches

I've been praying over the mentoring matches for several weeks, but more intensely this week.

I will begin pairing partners this weekend. However, I find myself short on 5 mentors. If you know of someone who had intended to be a mentor, but did not follow through, please let me know ASAP.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The deadline is here, for the 2010 Sisters in Christ Mentoring semester. If you had intended to participate, but have just put off registering,

You can register online at or at the church office. Please get an information packet at the Calvary Baptist Welcome Desk, fill out the Profile card, and return it to the office ASAP.

We're starting off the 2010 semester with a real live English Tea!!!! We will meet at Mary Terrill's house on Saturday, March 13 from 1:00-3:00. Can't wait to see you there. Your mentoring partner and prayer warrior will be announced at the Tea!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't Miss Out-It's Almost Tea Time!

Don't forget to sign up for the Sisters in Christ Mentoring Ministry. Time's almost up!

You can sign up by registering online at for the Mentoring Tea on Saturday, March 13. Or, sign up at the Calvary Welcome Desk.

Whichever place you sign up, make sure you pick up the Information packet. You will need to fill out the form and return it to the Calvary church office, or to Julie Taylor, BY THE END OF FEBRUARY.

Can't wait to see you at the Tea! 1:00-3:00 on Saturday, March 13.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hello Calvary Ladies! We're getting prepared for this year's Sisters in Christ Mentoring session. If you are a female member of Calvary Baptist Church, you may sign up, during the month of February, to participate in this 6-month ministry.

There are two ways to sign up. You can stop by the Welcome Center, or sign up for the Mentoring Tea in March through the church's website. Either way you choose, you will need to pick up an information packet at the Welcome desk, fill out the form, and hand it back in to the church office or to Julie Taylor, by the end of February.

Our Mentoring Tea is on Saturday, March 13. The time is tentative, either at 10:00 or 1:00, the decision will come soon. Your mentoring partnership & prayer warrior will be announced at the Tea.

Our Sisters in Christ Mentoring ministry works hand-in-hand with Pastor Brooks' commission to "reach out beyond ourselves" to touch the life of another woman. Yes, that woman can be you.

This ministry breaks down into a 6 month session in which you may sign up to be a mentor, a mentee, or a prayer warrior. A prayer warrior is assigned to a mentor/mentee pair, and is responsible to pray for that pair and their particular prayer needs; and also to contact the pair on a monthly basis to see how things are going with their prayer needs, and also to just let them know that someone cares enough to pray for them.

A mentor is a woman who has been a Christian for a while, and can help another woman to grow closer to Christ and to mature as a Christian. You accomplish this by keeping in regular contact with your mentee (at least twice a month).

There are a number of ways you can keep in contact, and you can see what works well for each of you (ideas and suggestions will come in a future blog post). We do encourage the mentor/mentee pair to read and discuss a book that is chosen for each 6 month session. These books are not designed to be an in depth Bible study, but instead, just a way to provide a light structure for your time together. It will also help you to move in a forward direction in you spiritual growth.

Your first thought of a "mentee" might be a young woman; and that can certainly be true. However, many ladies who have been a Christian for a number of years, and are in various "seasons" of life, desire to have a mentor (myself included!).

You are never too old to grow more spiritually mature. Perhaps you are going through a challenging phase of life, and you'd like to learn from someone who's already been down that road. Being a mentee is for you, as well.

Don't forget to sign up during the month of February. I'd hate to see you miss out on such an enriching time.