Monday, February 7, 2011

Opportunities for Calvary Ladies!

I'm so excited, thinking about all the opportunities for Calvary ladies! THIS IS YOUR TIME...don't miss out on it. There are sensational things bursting forth on your horizon.

As I told you last time, mentoring is coming up around Easter time; but don't wait until then to get involved and set the stage for amazing growth in your spiritual life.

On Thursday mornings, there are two types of AWESOME Bible studies available to you, along with Mother's Day Out; so, if you have children you can rely on Calvary's expert child care while you study God's Word:

1) Sheila Breazeale and Jane Crowell lead our Precepts Bible study, where you can learn to dig into God's Word and really understand it on a deeper level. This study provides daily instruction on exactly how to study each verse, cross reference with other Scripture, and what questions to ask yourself as you read God's Word. Then, each Thursday, we meet for a review/recap on our week's study.

2) Donna Johnston leads our Beth Moore Bible studies on Thursdays, too. If you've never heard Beth Moore, you're in for a treat. She is a dynamic speaker, and has a wonderful way of weaving God's Word into practical, daily life applications.

Contact Calvary Baptist, or this blog for more information.

In January, we launched our ladies' small group once-a-month Bible study, under the direction of our new Women's Ministries Director, Kelly Bledsoe. We've just begun a monthly study of the book, "Satisfy My Thirsty Soul", which is teaching us about God's perspective on true worship, and challenging us to incorporate it into our daily lives. It's not too late for you to jump in!

In addition to this, Sheila Breazeale has provided an online forum for us to participate in discussing this study together. She has a blog called "Bucket Ministries" (, and as a part of that blog, we are able to post comments about the study.

What a wonderful resource we have available right at our fingertips! No need to wait until the next month to discuss what you have on your mind today. Post your comment in this forum, and keep up with the questions and insight offered by other women. Amazing! Not only can you keep up with the "Satisfy Your Thirsty Soul" study on this blog, but Sheila also posts questions, recaps and study helps for the Precepts Bible study.

Ladies, if you can't get excited about all of this, you must be living in a fog! I am absolutely beside myself, and cannot WAIT to hear back from you regarding your thoughts on these marvelous opportunities.

Post your comments below! Become a "follower" on this blog by clicking on the "follower" button in the left-hand column (you can do that same thing on the Bucket Ministries blog).